I decided to walk west as far as I could go and came across a desert. Before I cross it I thought I'd find a way to carry water with me. I heard a "Cuh! Cuh! Cuh!" and discovered this critter cutting cork cactus for water. There's water inside of it! Isn't that cool? Now if only I can get past this "C" shaped critter to get some. He doesn't like to share.
How does he fly?
Inky, at 3:02 AM, December 08, 2005
It is very cool! You should consider having these published. A lot of people would get a kick out of them.
cheesemeister, at 11:24 PM, December 13, 2005
Thanks, cheesemeister. Actually, they ARE published - under a Creative Commons license. But I am finishing up a coloring book to post on Friday, the 23rd (my birthday). It will be free, too. The whole site is a sort of living portfolio. Sure wish more people knew about it, though, especially kids...
Douglas Cootey, at 12:51 AM, December 20, 2005
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein
Love your work. Your critters are a delight and I can see kids loving them even as one can hug a teddy bear.
Shane, at 8:36 PM, January 02, 2006
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